While this takes a little effort to put together, it’s really quite simple: Veggies, broth and spices.

Almond Butter is a staple around our house: It's such a great, healthy snack. But it can be expensive, too stiff and sometimes the oil separates out. So we started making our own and we've settled on a method that produces great results every time—with none of the downsides.
While this takes a little effort to put together, it’s really quite simple: Veggies, broth and spices.
We love some good tomato soup and it turns out to be easy to make. Four ingredients and minimal prep.
This is a great way to eat healthier with something that tastes great. Don’t let the word “squash” turn you away. These are pretty easy to make and did I mention tasty?
The recipe and instructions are below, but you can watch Terry and Jackson make Almond Butter in the video below. It just doesn’t get much easier than this…
If you don’t get “refined” coconut oil, your almond butter might have a distinct coconut flavor!
This is a healthy snack. There is no added sugar or salt and only a little added oil. Slow roasting avoids creating unhealthy compounds yet brings out a good flavor (smells good, too!).
A little added sugar will firm up the almond butter if yours comes out a little too soft (it may flow out of a celery stick, for example). Just blend or stir in a little Maple syrup, brown rice syrup, honey or Agave nectar. It only takes a couple of Tablespoons to thicken up a batch.
By the spoonful! Eating a spoon of almond butter is about as quick as a snack can get and the fats in a nut butter will allow you to feel full enough to bridge the gap between meals.
On a banana. Tammy likes having almond butter on a banana has a snack (Terry is not a big fan of bananas).
On celery. Spreading almond butter on a piece of celery is a healthy, delicious snack.
On waffles. Believe it or not, putting almond butter on a waffle is a great combination. It allows you to skip putting butter on there and, for some reason, you can use a lot less syrup (pure sugar!) and still have a great-tasting breakfast food.
On toast. Need a quick breakfast? Almond butter toast is super quick to make and pretty filling. Jelly optional.
Grilled. If you’ve ever had a grilled peanut butter sandwich, try swapping out the peanut butter for almond butter.
AB&J. Yep, Almond Butter and Jelly sandwich.
In a Smoothie. Almond butter is a staple in our breakfast smoothie.